Review and creation of staff handbooks

Staff handbooks provide a good platform for you to set out what you expect from your employees and what you will do to protect them.

Staff handbooks show that you care and think about your employees and have put measures in place to not only protect them but also to make it transparent in what you expect from your employees and how you will deal with any issues that may arise.

We have the knowledge and expertise to put together a detailed and tailored handbook at a reasonable price.

The Employment Team

Andrew Linton
Alex Lee
Jonathan Manser
We recognise how important it is that you have confidence in your legal advisor. Therefore, if you would like to have an initial discussion before deciding how to proceed, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

Call us now on

01892 510 222

to speak to one of our legal professionals

Alternatively you can Email:
or contact individual team members directly on our Peoples page.